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Season 10 Series Reviews

The Quick Incomprehensible entire SG1 series DVD Guide

User Guide:: = Jack & Daniel Potential, and = Daniel Damage Potential (more info below)

1) Flesh and Blood
2) Morpheus
3) The Pegasus Project :: :: :: :: ::
:: Stargate Atlantis Cross over ::
This is a cross over episode.  It involves an Ori supergate, Daniel get's to have a little moment at his first sight of Atlantis from the air and is V emotional. he also gets to meet and Ancient. mean while Mitchell, Sam and Rodney McKay are trying to blow up the Ori supergate, they do so with a Wraith ship... it's a bit of a boring episode.
SGA Reference :: Has Rodney McKay, John Sheppard & Elisabeth Weir.
this is the episode where John gives Cameron a lemon to threaten Rodney with ^_^
4) Insiders
Lots of Bal's captured, they escape and run amuck through the SGC...
5) Uninvited
6) 200
7) Counterstrike
8) Memento Mori
9) Company of Thieves
10) The Quest (Part 1)

11) The Quest (Part 2)
12) Line in the Sand
13) The Road Not Taken ::
Sam goes all alternative Universe in cannon

:: Dr Rodney McKay Reference :: Well, it's an AU McKay, [self note: hadn't watched SGA at this point, but this ep made me realise McKay wasn't a complete twat ^_^] Evan Lorne is also in this ep as the leader of SG1.

14) The Shroud
15) Bounty
16) Bad Guys
17) Talion
18) Family Ties
19) Dominion
20) Unending

Jack & Daniel Potential

= No Jack, Daniel action, Boring
That was a look wasn't it??
= Hum. Yup they love each other!
= Ahhh we KNOW they just kisses!
= Just a Daniel Show! YAAY!!!
= Jees, did I miss where they ripped their
    clothes off and had mad passionate nuki on
    the floor of the briefing room? again?

Daniel Damage Potential


= Not so much as a nick, nada
= In the infirmary being examined *G*
= In chains / roughed up a bit / invisible.
= Shot with zat-gun/Staff weapon.
= Hit with a hand device again!
= Flat out / dieing / addicted to something /
    beaten up / Mad, the whole kit an'
    kabudal... with Jack fussing over him.

Spacemonkeys Chaapa'ai