Part of


Stargate Atlantis

Season 5 Series Reviews

User Guide:: = John & Rodney Potential, and = Rodney Damage Potential (more info below)

1) Search and Rescue (Part 2) ::  ::  ::
2) The Seed ::  ::  ::
3) Broken Ties ::  ::  ::
4) The Daedalus Variations ::  ::  ::
5) Ghost in the Machine ::  ::  ::
6) The Shrine ::  ::  ::
7) Whispers ::  ::  ::
8) The Queen ::  ::  ::
9) Tracker ::  ::  ::
10) First Contact (Part 1) ::  ::  ::

11) The Lost Tribe (Part 2) ::  ::  ::
12) Outsiders ::  ::  ::
13) Inquisition ::  ::  ::
14) The Prodigal ::  ::  ::
15) Remnants ::  ::  ::
16) Brain Storm ::  ::  ::
17) Infection ::  ::  ::
18) Identity ::  ::  ::
19) Vagas ::  ::  ::
20) Enemy at the Gate ::  ::  ::

John & Rodney Potential

= No John, Rodney action, Boring
That was a look wasn't it??
= Flirt Fest! Yup they love each other!
= Ahhh we KNOW they just kisses!
= Just a Rodney Show! YAAY!!!
= Jees, did I miss where they ripped their
    clothes off and had mad passionate nuki on
    the floor of the Science lab? again?

Rodney Damage Potential


= Not so much as a nick, nada
= Panic Attacks abound
= Shot - with something.
= 1st one to hit the Deck
= Actually physical injury
= All of the above...
    Rodney's more accident prone than Daniel O_O

Spacemonkeys Chaapa'ai